Apply For A Grant

NCF Trustees welcome enquiries and formal bids for financial support for chess-related projects.

You may be a chess club or chess organisation, or a school or other community group that sees an interest and benefit in encouraging chess as a social and educational activity.

Funds may be requested for equipment, learning materials, venue or running costs, expertise (e.g. professional coaches), expenses etc. Chess is not a high-cost activity to get started and NCF’s resources can extend to a variety of new and ongoing projects

What we expect from you:

A practical plan and the time, support and ability to make it happen

A clear idea of what the grant will be spent on

A completed application form to capture all the necessary information (see below)

Regular updates on progress and an end-of-project report if requested

How to start your application:

An initial email to the trustees is the best way to start, with a brief explanation of what you have in mind:

There might be a follow-up phone call, meeting or email from a trustee to provide advice and clarification.

Read the Grant-Making Policy to make sure your plan fits in with the NCF’s aims

Please read this policy before you submit the form.
Complete as many of the fields as you can at present. If you do not have all the information now then submit it anyway, and include either ‘to be confirmed’ for mandatory fields (starred).

Complete the online application form here:


By submitting this application you are committing to the following:

“I/We agree that the grant will be used only for the exact purpose specified in the approved application and no other purpose. I/We give permission for the Nottinghamshire Chess Foundation to record the information given in this form and understand that personal information will be treated confidentially. We will inform the Nottinghamshire Chess Foundation of any situation where confidentiality is a particular issue.”

Privacy Declaration:

All information will be held in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation. The only use made by the Nottinghamshire Chess Foundation of the
information provided is:
– decision on awards of grants
– record keeping
– generic, no-personal references to publicise NCF’s work and the profile of chess.


e.g. Start XYZ chess club, ABC chess tournament
Brief description (up to 40 words maximum) of activity and its aim, with reference to NCF’s objectives. Include how you intend to achieve the aims.
The planned single date of an event, a period of duration, or the start date of an ongoing activity


i.e. Lead organiser of project, responsible person
Second point of contact preferred. Required for bids exceeding £500


Examples: No. new club members; Raise average chess rating by X in Y months; No. children participating; Improvements in mental health & wellbeing
Answer in terms of % (100% = certain to succeed). Give reasons for estimate e.g. done it before, numbers already expressed interest
Brief outline of steps you will take to attract participation & engagement, including plans for social media, printing, news coverage
End-of-project date: i.e. date by which you can report success. (A project completion report to NCF may be required after this date)
Will this project be available to all people who live work or study in Nottinghamshire? If not, what restrictions are placed on participation? (e.g. age, residence)


Total value of grant requested from NCF
Must add up to a minimum of grant requested. Examples: room hire; equipment purchase/hire; publicity costs; prize funds (where applicable); Include request for underwriting of maximum losses by NCF Note: copies of receipts are normally required by NCF for purchases made
Give brief details – source, amount, conditions e.g. internal funds, entry/membership fees, other supporting donors or bodies
e.g. extend successful aspect of project; buy additional equipment; donate to other related not-for-profit cause; return to NCF
If you have a problem with supplying this information please get in touch via email


Include details of on-site building manager if known and if relevant.
e.g. chess sets & boards; chess coaches
e.g. chess coach; titled chess master; organiser. If individual not known, explain role & purpose and source of supply if possible
Identify any known factors that create avoidable risks or threats to the success of the project
Action to manage the risk for each factor listed above


e.g. paper applications, digital list
A copy of your policy may be requested by NCF
e.g. Public Liability Insurance. If ‘Yes’ please supply details (insurer; type and value of cover)
Important: see declaration at the start of this form