The Nottinghamshire Chess Foundation (NCF) exists to promote the game of chess in Nottinghamshire.

Chess is a great way of taking part in a non-physical ‘mind sport’ and provides competitive and recreational play.
It helps children and young people to develop planning and analytical skills. It also helps older minds to maintain and improve their agility.

What We Do

Nottinghamshire Chess Foundation provides financial support and grants to develop and improve chess participation and achievement in the Nottinghamshire area. We welcome requests and proposals from any group or individual for support – all you need is a practical plan and the ability to make it happen!

Projects Supported

number of projects supported


money provide in support of projects


number of people


Support Our Work

What is most needed are people willing to devote time and effort to make things happen

The most important contribution you can make to our work is to think of good ideas to help promote and expand chess activity, and most importantly provide the practical commitment to make them happen.
The resources of the NCF mean that financial support for chess development is available.

Donations & Legacies

  • Additional funds are most welcome, whether as a one-off donation for general purposes, or to contribute to a specific event that you have in mind.
  • As a registered charity the NCF can act as a trusted agency for passing on specified donations to chess-based projects in full. Contact the trustees via email to discuss your ideas in more detail
  • You may also wish to consider commemorating the benefits of chess in your will. Many chess players have derived great pleasure and enjoyment from a lifelong devotion to the game; a contribution towards chess for future generations is a fitting way to celebrate a chess-oriented life.
  • Please consider a bequest to Nottinghamshire Chess Foundation (Registered Charity Number 1194887)

Support for Chess and NCF

Judith Polgar

Greatest ever female chess player

Chess can teach so much to the young:

  • memory
  • strategy
  • self-criticism
  • boundaries
  • the consequences of your actions
  • respect for rules
  • respect for others
  • how in life you can make bad moves but correct them
  • staying alert
  • sensing opportunities
  • taking your chances
  • giving something up in order to gain something bigger

It is open to all regardless of age, skin, colour and wealth.
It is cheap. It is universal. It is a very good preparation for life.”

Feedback from projects supported by NCF

Notts Chess Congress Committee March 2022 

The willingness of the NCF Trustees to support us financially against a loss enabled us to launch the event with confidence.  Putting it a different way, we doubt whether the Rapidplay would have been held at all but for the determination of the NCF Trustees to do everything they could to support the revival of tournament chess in Nottinghamshire

Notts Team leaders for Junior 4 Nations Chess League

…we believe it was a great success, especially playing as a team and against a wider range of opponents than they normally meet. It fully met our project aims to encourage junior chess and provide some informal coaching.